Beyond Standard Possession
Most Texas divorces that involve children implement a Standard Possession Order (SPO) that determines which parent will have the children when. The idea behind Standard Possession is to keep the kids in one primary home with the custodial parent (the parent they live with) and to allow the noncustodial parent his or her fair share of time with the children—on a regular basis that’s established in the SPO. The courts implement SPOs to minimize disruption in the children’s lives, which makes a whole lot of sense. SPOs strive to apportion spring breaks, summer breaks, and holidays fairly between both parents.
A Fair And Square Schedule
Sometimes parents—and kids, for that matter—want to share the kids’ time more equally with a 50/50 possession schedule. The easiest way to work out such a schedule is with one week on and one week off, but that obviously won’t work for everyone. If both parents live in different towns, for instance, there’s going to be some heavy-duty coordinating when it comes to getting back and forth to school—and all those extracurricular activities that kids seem to love to join. There are also a variety of other schedule breakdowns that can keep things at 50/50, but they tend to be more disruptive—rather than less.
The Upshot Of 50/50 Parenting
No matter what kind of 50/50 parenting schedule you land on, there’s one given—you and your ex are going to be spending a significant amount of time discussing schedules, drop-offs, pickups, and more. You’re going to be dedicating some real time to coordinating schedules—and if you thought it was a lot of work when you were a one-household family, you’re in for a surprise. Another consideration is that your children are probably going to be spending more time in the car and on the road—especially if you and your ex live a good distance apart. If you and your ex can commit to living near each other while your children are young, it can make things easier on your kids—and on you as parents.
You set up your nonstandard possession schedule, and now that your kids are getting older, your situation has changed. If you and your ex can come to an agreement together about how you want to split parenting, more power to you—you can create your own written document in support of that decision. It’s important to recognize, however, that only your divorce decree or a subsequent modification order makes the visitation schedule official and enforceable.
If You Have Questions Related to Custody, Consult a Richmond, Texas, Divorce Attorney Today
The most important factor in any divorce that involves children is custody, and hammering out a possession schedule that works for everyone is paramount. Attorney Frank J. Vendt at Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, in Richmond, Texas, has the experience, skill, and dedication to help you create a possession schedule that puts your kids first. To schedule a consultation with Mr. Vendt, please contact or call our office at (832) 276-9474 today.