There Is Life After Divorce

And We Are Going to Help You Get There

Rosenberg Divorce Lawyers In Texas

Divorce is not an end, it can be the fresh start you need and the Rosenberg divorce lawyers are here to help you achieve it. Getting divorced, be it your choice or not, is never an easy option. No one gets married thinking they’re going to go their separate ways after years of marriage. The process may also bring severe financial and emotional consequences as it drags on, bringing out the worst in soon to be ex-spouses. 

Though there is no lack of familial support during this time, it helps to have a divorce attorney from The Vendt Law Firm by your side to guide you through this complicated life-changing process.

Qualified Divorce Representation

Ending your marriage can be an extremely difficult decision to make and often is accompanied by significant emotional upheaval. Even if the divorce was your idea, you are probably angry, stressed, upset, and concerned about what the future will bring. Not only are you dealing with the end of a relationship that you presumably thought would last a lifetime, but you are also worried about where you will live, how divorce will affect you financially, and whether your relationship with your children will suffer. It is not surprising that divorce is often regarded as one of the biggest decisions a person can make in his or her lifetime.

Call Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys at (832) 276-9474 to get started on your case.

Handling a Variety of Issues Related to Divorce & Family Law in Rosenberg, TX

The process of getting a divorce can be complicated, even in relatively short marriages in which there are no children and few assets that need to be divided. Whenever you petition a court to do anything, you must follow certain procedural rules to even be considered. Furthermore, drafting a legally actionable petition or motion requires significant legal skill and knowledge – and even the most basic forms can be difficult for people without legal training to understand.

In many divorces, however, the process of actually filing for divorce is the simplest issue that even needs to be addressed, as there are often matters related to children and finances that must be resolved before the court will grant a divorce.

Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys can assist you with matters of:

  • Child custody: Called “conservatorship” in Texas, child custody is often one of the most hotly contested issues in a divorce proceeding. Parents tend to be fiercely protective of their children, and issues within the marriage may cause one or both parents to believe that the other parent should have limited parental rights with respect to any children in the marriage. Unless you and your spouse can agree on how to parent together, a court will decide a parenting plan for you.
  • Spousal maintenance (alimony): Spousal maintenance is awarded in cases in which there is a significant difference in earning capacity between divorcing spouses. Generally speaking, it is intended to allow the lesser-earning spouse the ability to maintain a standard of living similar to the one that he or she enjoyed during the marriage. Texas judges have significant discretion in deciding whether and how much alimony to award in a given case, so it important to retain an experienced lawyer.
  • Division of property: As a community property state, Texas requires that property acquired during a marriage must be divided between divorcing spouses. Property that is considered separate property will be kept by each spouse. The law does not require that property be divided equally, however; rather it must be divided in a way that the judge deems “just and right.” As you can probably imagine, this is open to interpretation. An attorney can be of significant help in presenting your case to the court in the strongest way possible, maximizing your chances of obtaining a favorable result.
  • Child support: Child support payments can have a substantial impact on your financial situation, whether you are the one paying or the one receiving it. While child support payments are set using guidelines, judges still have some discretion in making decisions about child support. For this reason, it is critical to have an attorney on your side if you are involved in a child support dispute with your child’s other parent.

The Importance of a Rosenberg Divorce Attorney in an Uncontested Divorce

While the issues above are often contested, there are divorces in which the parties are able to agree on the way they should be resolved. This situation, referred to an uncontested divorce, is invariably less complicated than a contested divorce, leading some people to question the need for an attorney.

It is important to understand that even though you are your spouse may agree on many aspects of your divorce, you should still strive to protect your rights to the fullest extent possible. If you proceed with a divorce without having your separation agreement reviewed by a divorce attorney, you run the risk of forfeiting your rights without legal recourse in the future. In fact, if you forgo talking to an attorney, you may not even be aware of the fact that you have property rights in certain assets or a legitimate argument for avoiding paying maintenance.

Divorce Considerations

Divorce rates in Texas have undergone a significant nosedive compared to the 90s, but the process remains complicated as ever. The procedure becomes exponentially complex when a divorcing couple has children. But, even the simplest of divorce settlements that do not involve children have to take into account multiple factors to amenably finalize the dissolution of marriage. 

Asset Division 

Divorce laws in Texas dictate that property created in the course of a marriage is to be justly divided between the couple. Though the ideal division is 50-50, the actual division depends majorly upon the judge’s discretion if it is a contested divorce. Even in cases of out-of-court settlements, property division can only occur after careful and rigorous negotiation between the parties. Differentiating between private/ separate properties and community property is essential in the matter. Your divorce lawyer ensures that you do not receive the short end of the stick.


Child custody is one of the foremost reasons for many divorce cases going to trial. Both parents have strong interests in their children’s lives and go to immense lengths to make their custody claim stronger. Divorces are tough, but they can be even tougher for children to cope with and the last thing they need is for their parents to pursue an ugly custody battle. The optimum solution is to wrap up the custody discussion without the court’s intervention. This is ideal, but we know it’s not always possible, especially when dealing with uncompromising spouses.


Maintenance is claimed in divorce cases where one spouse is heavily dependent on the other spouse for their finances. This form of financial support is offered to the spouse who did not earn or made meager earnings compared to their partner. It is supposed to help the claiming spouse maintain the standard of living that they enjoyed during their marriage. While deciding alimony, the income of the paying spouse and the basic living costs of the other spouse have to be taken into account. It is natural for the spouse to be antipathetic to agreeing to the alimony claim. A divorce attorney makes clear calculations and helps their client receive the fair alimony that they deserve.

What Rosenberg Divorce Lawyers Do 

Unless a couple that has been married for a very short time and has no kids wants to get separated, divorces will usually take months to conclude. During this time, there’s much more than just a load of paperwork and negotiations that need to be dealt with. This is a sensitive period and not having a support system that can make it exceedingly hard to comprehend the legal structure. If the other party has a lawyer, you’ll be at an even greater disadvantage. After hiring a divorce attorney in Rosenberg, Texas, you’ll have the rational assistance of a lawyer who will not let your decisions lose their way due to marital acrimony. 

Since they represent you, they will recommend all the best options available to you and the most realistic expectations for property division, child custody and additional matters. Apart from the emotional turmoil, divorces can also affect your daily lives to a huge extent. Juggling work, childcare and personal life with legal documents and mediation meetings alone can quickly turn into a burden. Fortunately, your divorce attorney will be there to take care of the legalities and other divorce-related formalities like document preparation and settlement terms.

What to Expect When You Choose The Vendt Law Firm to Represent You

When we, one of the best Rosenberg divorce lawyers, represent you in a divorce settlement or trial, you can count on us to offer you the following:


Having successfully settled an impressive amount of divorces with happy clients, our divorce attorneys have used each case as a stepping stone to gaining more experience. This experience also comes from the variety of divorces that we’ve handled. The experience counts when the divorce is particularly complicated and the other party is unwilling to compromise.


Like every marriage, every divorce is different too. In some cases, the point of conflict stems from financial aspects like unsatisfactory division while in others, it may be due to child custody. Though divorces are handled by family lawyers, not every lawyer is an expert on property or custody. For this reason, it is wise to find an attorney who holds expertise in the specific area that your divorce agreement hinges on.


There’s a reason children prefer to go to that one particular dentist more than any other, it’s because of compassion. When you feel that your pain is understood, you gain the strength to face even unfavorable situations. During a divorce, your attorney will be the pillar that gives you the courage to face reality head-on. We’ve seen our share of divorces and have witnessed how painful they are to both sides. Our aim has always been to support our clients and help them separate peacefully, without deteriorating their mental and physical health.

Comfort and Understanding

If you’re looking for an Rosenberg divorce attorney, you want one whom you can comfortably share your opinions and expectations with. Some divorce lawyers recommend what the best course of action is without taking into account what their client expects from the divorce. Your opinions deserve to be respected and you should choose an attorney that will consider your wants.

Contact Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys Today To Speak To A Rosenberg Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is undeniably one of the most emotionally draining experiences a person can suffer. If you or a loved one are contemplating divorce, contact the The Vendt Law Firm because you will need an attorney to guide you every step of the way.

If you are going through a divorce or expect to be soon, you should speak to a Rosenberg divorce attorney immediately. When you retain legal counsel from Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected and that you stay informed about the complex legal issues that may affect the way that your case is resolved.

Contact us online or at (832) 276-9474 to get started.

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  • “I simply want to Thank Frank for his upfront honesty and advise on my case! He saved me from spending my money and gave me the knowledge I needed to go about my situation.”

    Nora Balderrama

  • “Frank has done an amazing job with my divorce case, I would definitely recommend him to anyone! ”

    Craig Peterson

  • “He represented me in a manner that was professional and very efficient. Frank does what he does because he has a passion for justice.”

    Sharndell Lowe-Aitch

  • “I simply want to Thank Frank for his upfront honesty and advise on my case! He saved me from spending my money and gave me the knowledge I needed to go about my situation.”

    Nora Balderrama

  • “Frank has done an amazing job with my divorce case, I would definitely recommend him to anyone! ”

    Craig Peterson

  • “He represented me in a manner that was professional and very efficient. Frank does what he does because he has a passion for justice.”

    Sharndell Lowe-Aitch

  • “I simply want to Thank Frank for his upfront honesty and advise on my case! He saved me from spending my money and gave me the knowledge I needed to go about my situation.”

    Nora Balderrama