There Is Life After Divorce

And We Are Going to Help You Get There

Richmond Joint Custody Lawyer

Going through a divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience, especially when children are involved. One of the most crucial decisions you’ll make involves child custody arrangements.

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are committed to raising your child together, then exploring joint custody might be the best option for your family.

For parents considering joint custody in Richmond, Texas, The Vendt Law Firm, P.L.L.C. can provide the legal expertise and compassionate guidance you need to navigate this process effectively.

Richmond Joint Custody Lawyer

What is Joint Custody?

Joint custody, often called joint managing conservatorship in Texas, means that both parents share the rights and duties of raising their child. This arrangement ensures that the child maintains a strong relationship with both parents.

It includes joint decision-making on important issues such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

Joint Custody vs. Joint Conservatorship

While “joint custody” and “joint conservatorship” are sometimes used interchangeably, Texas law has some key distinctions. This chart clarifies the differences:

Feature Joint Custody Joint Managing Conservatorship (Texas)
Definition A broad term encompassing various arrangements for shared parenting after separation. A specific legal arrangement in Texas grants both parents equal decision-making authority.
Decision-Making It can involve shared decision-making on significant issues but may sometimes be equal. Both parents have equal legal authority on all significant decisions regarding the child’s upbringing.
Physical Living Arrangements It is not specified in joint custody. It can involve various schedules, including 50/50 or primary residence with one parent. It is not directly tied to physical living arrangements. Parenting plan may outline visitation schedules.
Example Parents may share in the decision-making process regarding education, but one parent may have primary residence. Both parents have an equal say in where the child goes to school, even if the child lives primarily with one parent.

In essence:

Joint custody is a broader term encompassing various arrangements where parents share parenting responsibilities.

Joint managing conservatorship is a specific legal agreement in Texas that grants both parents equal decision-making authority on all significant aspects of the child’s life.

Physical living arrangements are determined in a separate parenting plan.

The Forms of Joint Custody in Texas


Conservatorship in Texas can be classified into two main types: managing conservatorship and possessory conservatorship. A joint managing conservatorship involves parents sharing their child’s decision-making responsibilities.

On the other hand, possessory conservatorship pertains to the physical custody of the child, including the time each parent spends with the child.


Possession and access refer to a parent’s physical time with their child. In a joint custody arrangement, possession schedules are typically designed to ensure the child has frequent and continuous contact with both parents.

The court may provide a standard possession order or customize a schedule that best fits the family’s needs.

What are the Joint Custody Laws in Texas?

The Texas Family Code outlines the guidelines for joint custody arrangements, focusing on the child’s best interests, according to Tex. Fam. Code § 153.001, the court’s primary consideration is always the child’s best interest.

Tex. Fam. Code § 153.001

Emphasizes that the child’s best interest shall always be the court’s primary consideration in determining conservatorship and possession.

Public Policy:

Encourages frequent and continuing contact between parents and children who can act in the child’s best interest.

Parenting Plans:

Parents must often submit a parenting plan detailing how they will share their rights and responsibilities.

Protecting Yourself with the All-Important Parenting Plan

A well-crafted parenting plan is crucial in joint custody arrangements.

It includes details about living arrangements, visitation schedules, decision-making processes, and how disputes will be resolved.

Decisions Impacted by Joint Custody

Joint custody impacts various aspects of a child’s life. Parents must collaborate on significant decisions, such as:

  • Education: Choice of schools, special education needs, and extracurricular activities.
  • Healthcare: Decisions about medical treatments, therapies, and health insurance.
  • Religious Upbringing: Agreement on spiritual practices and participation.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Participation in sports, arts, and other activities.

Joint Custody Case Statistics in Texas

The Texas Office of Court Administration’s Annual Statistical Report offers insights into child custody trends in the state. Here are some key takeaways:

Sole Managing Conservatorship (One Parent with Primary Decision-Making): This remains the most common outcome in Texas child custody cases.

Joint Managing Conservatorship Increasing: However, the report indicates a gradual rise in the number of courts awarding joint managing conservatorship, suggesting a growing openness to shared decision-making arrangements.

Unique Factors to Consider with Joint Custody

Every family is unique, and joint custody arrangements must consider various factors to be successful:

Parental Communication:

Effective communication between parents is essential.

Child’s Age and Needs:

Younger children may require different arrangements than older children.

Geographical Proximity:

Living close to each other can facilitate easier transitions and more consistent routines for the child.

Work Schedules:

Parents’ work schedules should be considered to ensure both can spend quality time with their children.

Does a Joint Conservatorship Mean a 50/50 Schedule?

A common misconception is that joint conservatorship automatically translates to a 50/50 physical living arrangement for the child.

In Texas, joint conservatorship focuses on decision-making authority, meaning both parents share the power to make significant choices regarding the child’s upbringing.

However, the possession schedule outlined in the parenting plan determines the specific living arrangements.

Exploring Options for 50/50 Custody in Texas

For some families, a 50/50 split can be a viable option. Here are some standard 50/50 custody schedules in Texas:

Alternating Weeks:

The child spends a whole week with each parent, alternating weekly.

2-2-3 Schedule:

This involves a more complex rotation, with the child spending two weeks with one parent, two weekdays with the other parent, and then three days with the first parent again. This cycle then repeats.

3-4-4-3 Schedule:

Similar to the 2-2-3 schedule, this offers another option for dividing the week. The child spends three days with one parent and four days with the other, and the cycle alternates.

Choosing the Right 50/50 Custody Schedule

The ideal 50/50 schedule depends on several factors, including:

  • The Child’s Age: Younger children may benefit from more stability and consistency, which favor longer stretches with each parent (e.g., alternating weeks) compared to frequent transitions.
  • Parents’ Work Schedules: Work schedules that require long hours or frequent travel may necessitate adjustments to the 50/50 split to ensure the child receives adequate care and supervision.
  • The Child’s School and Activities: School schedules, extracurricular activities, and other commitments should be factored in to minimize disruption to the child’s routine.

Addressing the Challenges of 50/50 Custody Arrangements

While a 50/50 schedule can offer benefits, it also presents challenges. Effective communication and flexibility are vital to addressing these challenges:


Coordinating transportation and schedules requires clear communication and collaborative planning between parents.


Maintaining consistent rules and routines in both households helps children feel secure. Open communication allows parents to discuss and agree on consistent approaches to discipline, bedtimes, and other aspects of daily life.

Addressing Issues:

Challenges inevitably arise. Effective communication allows parents to discuss concerns and work together to find solutions that prioritize the child’s well-being.

Fostering Cooperation for the Child’s Benefit

While joint custody can offer numerous advantages for children of divorce, its success hinges on one crucial element: cooperation.

Parents must work together and prioritize the child’s well-being above any lingering disagreements.

Here are some key strategies to foster cooperation in a joint custody arrangement:

Maintain Open Communication:

Regular and respectful communication is vital. Keep each other informed about the child’s activities, school performance, and health concerns.

Embrace Flexibility:

Life throws curveballs. Be willing to adjust schedules and living arrangements, whether due to school events, extracurricular activities, or unforeseen circumstances.

Focus on the Common Goal:

Remember, the ultimate goal is to raise a happy, well-adjusted child. Put aside personal conflicts and work together to create a nurturing environment for your child.

Getting a Joint Managing Conservatorship in Texas

Joint managing conservatorship (JMC) in Texas allows parents to share decision-making authority regarding their child’s upbringing after a separation. This section will guide you through the process of obtaining a JMC agreement.

Reaching an Agreement: Collaboration is Key

The ideal scenario is for parents to reach a mutually agreeable JMC plan. This fosters cooperation and minimizes conflict, ultimately benefiting the child. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Open Communication:

Maintain a respectful dialogue with your co-parent, focusing on the child’s well-being.


Consider mediation, a facilitated negotiation process where a neutral third party helps parents reach common ground.

Drafting a Parenting Plan:

This document will outline the details of your JMC arrangement, including:


How significant choices regarding the child’s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing will be made.

Physical Living Arrangements:

The child’s residency schedule with each parent (e.g., 50/50 split, weekdays with one parent, weekends with the other).

Visitation Schedule:

Specific times for the non-residential parent to spend with the child.

Communication Protocols:

How parents will communicate regarding the child’s well-being and logistics

Courts May Award Sole Custody Under Some Circumstances

If reaching an agreement proves difficult, the court will decide based on the child’s best interests. This typically involves a hearing where both parents present their proposals for custody arrangements.

Sole Custody: A Consideration

It’s important to understand that while JMC is often preferred, the court may award sole custody to one parent if there’s evidence that a joint arrangement would not be in the child’s best interest.

This typically occurs in cases of proven neglect, substance abuse, or domestic violence on the part of one parent.


The Vendt Law Firm, P.L.L.C. has helped numerous families navigate the complexities of joint custody arrangements. Here are some testimonials from our satisfied clients:

  • “The Vendt Law Firm made the process of obtaining joint custody straightforward and stress-free. Their expertise and compassion were invaluable.” – Jane D.

For more client testimonials, visit our Testimonials page, where you’ll find additional stories from families we’ve helped.

What Happens When Joint Custody Is Not Possible

In some cases, joint custody may not be feasible. When this happens, the court may award sole custody to one parent while granting visitation rights to the other. The court’s primary focus remains the child’s best interest, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Contact The Richmond, TX Joint Custody Lawyer at The Vendt Law Firm Today

If you’re navigating a joint custody arrangement in Richmond, Texas, and need solid legal guidance, look no further than The Vendt Law Firm, P.L.L.C.

Our experienced and compassionate Richmond joint custody lawyers understand the complexities of these situations. They are dedicated to advocating for the best interests of you and your child.

Don’t go through this alone. Contact The Vendt Law Firm today for a consultation to discuss your unique case and explore your legal options. We offer a personalized approach, ensuring your voice is heard, and your child’s needs are prioritized.

Joint Custody Frequently Asked Questions in Texas

Who Pays Child Support If Both Parents Have Joint Custody?

In Texas, child support is not automatically eliminated in joint custody cases. The court considers various factors, including income disparity between parents, the time each parent spends with the child, and the child’s needs. If one parent has primary physical possession (the child lives with them most of the time), child support may be ordered for the other parent to contribute financially.

What are the Best Interests of the Child Factors in Texas?

Texas family courts prioritize the “best interests of the child” when determining custody arrangements. This includes factors like:

  • The child’s emotional and physical needs
  • The child’s relationship with each parent
  • The stability of each parent’s home environment
  • The ability of each parent to provide for the child’s needs
  • The child’s preference (if the child is of sufficient age)

What is a Parenting Plan, and How Does it Work?

A parenting plan is a court-approved document outlining the specifics of your joint custody arrangement. It details:

  • Decision-Making Authority: How significant decisions regarding the child’s upbringing will be made (jointly or with a designated lead parent for specific areas)
  • Physical Living Arrangements: The child’s residency schedule with each parent (e.g., 50/50 split, weekdays with one parent, weekends with the other)
  • Visitation Schedule: Specific times for the non-residential parent to spend with the child
  • Communication Protocols: How parents will communicate regarding the child’s well-being and logistics

How Do You Find the Right Joint Custody Lawyer?

Finding a lawyer experienced in Texas joint custody cases is crucial. Look for someone who:

  • Understand the nuances of Texas family law
  • Has a proven track record of successful joint custody negotiations and litigation (if necessary)
  • Prioritizes open communication and collaboration with their clients
  • Offers a personalized approach tailored to your specific family situation
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