How Long Does Divorce Take in Texas?

How Long Does Divorce Take in Texas?

By Frank Vendt |

When you’re at the beginning of a divorce, the process can seem endless. Texas, however, doesn’t impose unnecessarily long and cumbersome waiting periods. Divorces are hard for everyone involved, and it’s natural to want to get past it as quickly as you can. By becoming informed about the Texas divorce process, you’ll arm yourself with the tools you need to move through your Texas divorce as easily as possible.

Getting Started With A Divorce In Texas

Some things about a Texas divorce are good to know up front. To file for divorce, you must have resided in Texas for six months before filing, and you must have lived within the county you’re filing in for at least 90 days before filing.

Furthermore, Texas is a no-fault divorce state, which means that neither spouse has to prove the other’s wrongdoing—courts can grant a divorce even if one spouse refuses to participate or sign the papers. In such cases, the courts simply enter divorce orders. Finally, Texas does not recognize legal separations.

Waiting Periods

In Texas, a minimum waiting period of 60 days must take place before finalizing any divorce—from the time the Original Petition for Divorce is filed. This means that, in Texas, you can get a divorce in a minimum of 61 days. Texas does allow speedy exceptions in cases that involve domestic violence. An uncontested divorce (which means that both parties are in agreement about the specifics of the divorce) can theoretically finalize in 61 days. In practice, however, it usually takes something closer to 90 or 120 days because of both the overcrowding of most courts’ dockets and the time needed for counsel to draft the necessary legal documents in language to which both parties can agree.

What Happens In A Contested Divorce

A divorce in which both parties aren’t in a reasonable agreement can quickly become complicated. Such cases are called contested divorces, and all bets are usually off when it comes to determining how long such cases will take to finalize. It typically depends on how heated things become between you and your spouse. Divorce is so wrought with emotion. Even those couples who enter the process with the best intentions can find themselves in the middle of contested divorces. An experienced divorce attorney in your corner almost always helps.

Contact A Katy, Texas, Divorce Attorney Today

If you’re heading into a Texas divorce, obtain an experienced divorce lawyer. You naturally want the process to go smoothly, but divorce cases can go south quickly. A skilled divorce lawyer will help you determine what’s best for you and your case. Attorney Frank J. Vendt at Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, is here to help efficiently guide your case to its most hopeful conclusion.

To schedule an appointment with Frank Vendt, please contact or call our office at (832) 276-9474 today!
