Signs of Impending Divorce

Signs of Impending Divorce

By Frank Vendt |

No relationship is easy, and marriage is no different. If your spouse is sending mixed messages, is no longer the same person that you married, is beginning to scare you, or is simply acting weird, it’s probably time to consult with an experienced Texas divorce lawyer. Divorce attorneys, after all, often have years of experience delving into the machinations of relationships, and there are some tell-tale signs of trouble that you probably aren’t even aware of.

Only You and Your Spouse Understand Your Marriage

Every couple is, indeed, unique. Only you and your spouse truly understand your singular relationship. Experienced divorce attorneys, nevertheless, have witnessed their share of marital meltdowns. In fact, they forward succinct advice regarding when it’s time to gird yourself for impending divorce:

  • If your spouse no longer seems interested in your relationship;
  • If your spouse isn’t interested in how you feel about your relationship;
  • If your spouse isn’t concerned about how his or her actions affect you;
  • If your spouse has no interest in carving out quality time alone together; and
  • If your spouse is no longer interested in fortifying your relationship.

Marriage is a complicated relationship that requires effort. Divorce can be even more complicated and can require even more effort to execute peacefully.

Sudden Change

You know your spouse. If you suddenly recognize that this person you know so well is not who you thought he or she was, that’s an issue. If your spouse begins to communicate differently or begins to avoid all communication, you are unwise to ignore such signs.

Trust Your Instincts

If you have a gut feeling that all is not well with your marriage, trust that instinct. Hopefully, you’re wrong, but consulting with an experienced Texas divorce lawyer is in your best interest. Attorneys are not in the business of putting marriages asunder, but if your marriage is in trouble, a skilled divorce attorney can awaken you to your viable options. Your marriage is worth fighting for, but if your spouse is less than ethical, it’s probably in your best interest to retain legal counsel immediately.

If You Are Facing Impending Divorce, Contact a Richmond, Texas Divorce Attorney

If you are facing impending divorce in Texas, you need an experienced divorce lawyer. Allow Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, to guide your relationship toward its best possible outcome. Attorney Frank J. Vendt is a Richmond Texas divorce lawyer who focuses on Richmond divorce, protecting your rights with solution-based legal guidance. Schedule a consultation with Mr. Vendt today by calling our office at (832) 276-9474 or by contacting us online.
