Social Media and Divorce In Texas
We all know that elephants and social media never forget. If you are going through a divorce in Texas, you are well advised to keep it out of your social media posts. A divorce is no time to air your grievances openly; those grievances can come back to haunt you and can even hurt your case. Learn what to avoid on social media and via text and email and ensure that you don’t harm your case in a moment of anger. Your case matters; protect yourself.
Social Media: The New Divorce Frontier
What you post on social media never goes away, and screenshots of your texts or IMs are just as permanent. If you are divorcing, carefully consider the permanency of your words and pictures before you post. There are several actions that you should never engage in (learn them well):
- Do not post pictures of expensive purchases or exotic vacations – or that hint at such expenses. Further, don’t write about an exciting new vacation, about a swanky purchase, or about disposable income in general. If you are going through a divorce, your finances will be scrutinized; do not flaunt your spending. Doing so could have an impact on the way your property is allocated between you and your spouse or the maintenance (alimony) you receive.
- Do not sink to online acrimony or abuse. No matter how satisfying it may be in the moment, such posts, texts, and emails will almost certainly boomerang on your case. Before hitting send, carefully consider whether your message could embarrass you or harm your case if the judge were to read it aloud. Additionally, there’s always the hope that your civility will allow your divorce to proceed more amicably.
- If you’ve already started dating or have begun a new relationship, scrupulously attend to keeping this off social media (including pictures taken by other people). A divorce is no time to flaunt a new relationship – it can make the proceedings even more acrimonious.
- Keep a low social-media profile generally. Profuse posting sends the message that you’re not taking your divorce proceedings as seriously as you might. Remember that your social media message matters; if it’s I’m newly single and ready to party, it will not serve your case well. Further, such posting could unnecessarily hurt or antagonize your spouse. Remind your friends to leave you out of their own social media feeds.
- Don’t blog, comment, or write about your divorce online. It’s unseemly and could hurt your case.
If you don’t trust yourself to follow these golden rules of social media during divorce, protect yourself from yourself by disabling your accounts until your divorce is final. Divorce is a very stressful time, and we’ve all done things we regret when we’re overly stressed. Take your social media posts seriously and don’t engage in behavior that could hurt your case or amplify the acrimony.
Contact a Divorce Attorney in Richmond, Texas
If you are facing a divorce in Texas, it is in your best interest to retain a skilled Texas divorce attorney. Allow Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, to guide you through the process and help you obtain your best possible outcome. Attorney Frank J. Vendt is a Texas divorce lawyer who focuses on solution-based legal guidance and on representation that protects your rights. Schedule a consultation with Mr. Vendt today by calling our office at (832) 276-9474 or by contacting us online.