Will I Get Alimony For My Divorce In TX?
Divorce is hard enough, but when you add in the overwhelming concern of how you’re going to support yourself and your children in the process, it can become emotionally and financially unmanageable. Learning all you can about the Texas divorce process, which is slightly different than in many other states, can help you proceed with a bit more confidence. Remember that hiring an experienced divorce lawyer is in your best interests during this always complicated time.
But What About The Alimony?
Texas doesn’t provide for anything specifically called alimony, but three types of spousal payments are very much like alimony as you probably think of it:
- Temporary spousal support. Temporary spousal support is an equitable remedy that serves as a stop-gap measure—the receiving spouse gets monthly funds needed for support while the divorce proceeds. With divorce comes the process of turning one household into two. If your spouse can afford to live while the divorce proceeds and you can’t, the court can make up the difference with temporary spousal support.
- Spousal maintenance. Spousal maintenance is typically a temporary remedy that Texas implements in limited circumstances. Spousal maintenance usually applies only when one spouse lacks the means for self-support because of a physical or mental disability or because a child with special needs requires that parent’s full-time care. The court will determine the duration of spousal maintenance based on the issues relevant to the case.
- Contractual alimony. Contractual alimony refers to a situation in which one spouse enters a contractual agreement to make regular payments to the other spouse as part of the divorce’s property settlement. Typically, the courts don’t order contractual alimony, but it’s sometimes part of a divorce’s final agreement. Contractual alimony allows the equalization of the division of marital property while it also provides an income stream to spouses who cannot financially support themselves.
These three mechanisms amount to alimony in a Texas divorce. Divorce is always complicated, and the issue of alimony can make it more complicated still.
Contact A Texas Divorce Lawyer At Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys Today
If you’re heading into a Texas divorce, you naturally have plenty of concerns. If one of those concerns is how you’re going to financially make it through the divorce process, consult with an experienced divorce attorney as soon as you can. Your ongoing finances can constitute one of the most frightening elements of a divorce. A skilled divorce lawyer will help you obtain the financial resources warranted by your case. Attorney Frank J. Vendt at Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, is here to help, so please schedule an appointment with him today by contacting or calling our office at (832) 276-9474.