Texas Divorce—Before You Move out of Your Marital Residence

Texas Divorce—Before You Move out of Your Marital Residence

By Frank Vendt |

Divorce is stressful and is certain to present you with difficult choices. One of the most important decisions you may face is whether you should move out of your home during the divorce. Whenever possible, however, it’s in your and your children’s best interests to remain in your home until your divorce is finalized.

Make Safety Your Top Priority

Always make your own and your children’s safety your top priority. If your spouse has threatened you with violence or has been physically or emotionally abusive, move out. Otherwise, tread lightly; the decision to move out during your divorce can have significant financial, legal, and emotional repercussions for you and your children.

The Financial Impact

The financial impact of splitting into two residences during a divorce is significant. Because families living under one roof share basic necessities and any luxuries, remaining in one home is always the most cost-efficient option. Furthermore, because your marital financials will play an important role in your impending divorce, you need to have a solid understanding of these financials. Accessing, collecting and organizing those financial documents that relate to your marital income—including bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs, family bills, and budget information—is an important element of the divorce process. When you remain in your marital residence, you can make this far less complicated.

The Effect on Your Children

There is no denying that divorce is often hard on children, and if you are the parent who is moving out of the family home, your children are likely to associate your move with their pain. While there is no way to eliminate the pain your children experience, you can mitigate the damage and help them understand that you are staying in the family home throughout the divorce process to protect and support them.

Your Divorce

No divorce is ever easy, and your children are naturally your top priority. As your divorce proceeds, continue to live in your family home (if it is safe for you to do so). If this isn’t possible, do what you can to mitigate the damage wrought by your move. This includes helping your children understand and cope with this necessity and identifying, accessing, and organizing essential financial documentation for your case.

Before Moving out of Your Home, Consult With an Experienced Richmond, Texas, Divorce Lawyer

If you are facing a Texas divorce, you need an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the divorce process with skill and compassion. To discuss your case with a knowledgeable Texas divorce attorney, contact the Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, today. Attorney Frank J. Vendt is committed to protecting your rights and resolving your divorce as favorably as possible. To schedule a consultation with Mr. Vendt, call our office today at (832) 276-9474 or send us an email through our online contact form.
