What Are Some Common Myths About Divorce In Texas?

What Are Some Common Myths About Divorce In Texas?

By Frank Vendt |

Divorce is always difficult, and to imagine that it might be otherwise is myth number one. This is not, however, to say that your Richmond divorce attorney won’t be able to effectively and efficiently guide you through to the other side—while making every effort to minimize the drama. Because there are some divorce myths out there that can be very misleading, it’s important to take a closer look:

I bought it in my name, therefore it’s mine. Not so fast. You may have put the car, business, or home in your name alone, but that doesn’t afford you full ownership in a Texas divorce. In Texas, such properties are typically owned equally between spouses (if you were married at the time of purchase).

Because my ex quit paying child support, I don’t have to allow them time with the kids. Again, it doesn’t work that way. While your ex should pay the child support mandated by the court, not doing so doesn’t affect his or her right to see the kids—only a judge can make that determination. If your ex has visitation rights, you must abide by them (whether your ex is a deadbeat or not).

My friend got to keep her house, and I want to do the same. Every divorce is utterly unique unto itself and its own circumstances—and they can be exceedingly complicated when it comes to property division. Don’t assume that because your best friend’s sister got the house in her divorce, that your divorce will follow suit. Your experienced divorce lawyer will carefully go over your situation with you and will help you to understand the most likely outcome—including property division.

We legally separated years ago. In Texas, legal separation has little meaning besides that you no longer live together (presumably). In Texas, you are married—with all that entails—until you are legally divorced.

My ex cheated on me, and now I want everything. In Texas, infidelity is grounds for divorce, but unless the infidelity rises to a significant level—by seriously affecting the children, for example—it’s unlikely to significantly affect the property division in your divorce.

If I don’t like the divorce orders, I can move with the kids back to my parents’ place in Vermont. You must respect the court’s orders in a divorce. Often, those orders will include language related to residency restrictions, which are designed to foster co-parenting. You likely will need court permission to move far away with your kids.

Consult with a Richmond, Texas, Divorce Attorney

Divorce is never easy, but an experienced divorce lawyer will help you understand your rights and will help you get past many of the divorce myths out there. If you’re facing a Texas divorce, contact Frank Vendt Child Custody & Divorce Attorneys, in Richmond, Texas. Attorney Frank J. Vendt has the experience, knowledge, and dedication to help guide your divorce toward as favorable a resolution as possible. To schedule a consultation with Mr. Vendt, call our office today at (832) 276-9474 or send us an email through our online contact form.
