Blog Post In Marital Misconduct
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What Can Be Used Against You in a Divorce?
January 15, 2023
Several couples struggling with their marriage are faced with the dilemma of whether to opt for a legal separation or divorce. Let’s understand why would you get a legal separation instead of a divorce. A…

Marital Misconduct – FAQ
December 6, 2016
Q. What is marital misconduct? A. When you file for divorce you have the option to cite certain misconduct on the part of your spouse. Some examples of marital misconduct can include; adultery, … Q….

What Is Marital Misconduct and Will It Affect My Divorce?
September 22, 2016
Texas law allows you to file for divorce and claim no fault on the part of either spouse. However, you also have the option to file for divorce and cite certain misconduct on the part…