Blog Post In 2017
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How Long Does Divorce Take in Texas?
When you’re at the beginning of a divorce, the process can seem endless. Texas, however, doesn’t impose unnecessarily long and cumbersome waiting periods. Divorces are hard for everyone involved, and it’s natural to want to get past…
Child Custody Facts In The State Of Texas
How Child Custody Works In Texas Divorce is always hard, and it comes with its own set of challenges. If children are involved, it becomes even more difficult. Find out everything you can about the…

Help! My Spouse Is Spending Our Assets While Our Divorce Is Pending!
Excessive Spending During A Pending Divorce Divorce is always difficult. The stress of divorce can make people do strange, and sometimes vile, things. One common behavior involves a spouse wasting marital assets (also known as…

Can I Get a Divorce If My Spouse Has Left the State?
If you’re going through a Texas divorce, you are likely to have plenty of questions. Divorce is always stressful and often complicated. By finding out as much as you can about the Texas divorce process,…
Texas Postnuptial Agreements Do Not Signal Trust Issues
You’ve no doubt heard about prenuptial agreements—agreements that outline premarital assets and that are made before a marriage. Postnuptial agreements, on the other hand, are entered into during the marriage and are often precipitated by…
Dividing Debt in a Texas Divorce
When you obtain a Texas divorce, your shared marital assets will be assessed and divided between you and your ex. Just as significantly, however, those debts that you incurred during your marriage will also be…
Dealing with Your Ex After a Texas Divorce
Divorce is never easy, and it’s bound to throw you some curve balls—not the least of which is figuring out how to deal with your ex after the divorce. Every divorce, like every marriage, is unique,…

Common Law Marriage and Divorce in Texas
Texas recognizes common law marriages (also known as informal marriages). A common law marriage is just as legally binding as marriage. In fact, couples who separate, must go through divorce the same way as a…

Texas Divorce: Who Gets the House?
Divorce is never easy, and one of the most emotionally and financially fraught issues for many people is determining who will stay in the house. If you are like many divorcing couples, your home is probably…

Texas Divorce—Before You Move out of Your Marital Residence
Divorce is stressful and is certain to present you with difficult choices. One of the most important decisions you may face is whether you should move out of your home during the divorce. Whenever possible, however,…